Monday, March 9, 2009

Lessons from Lent and lunch

Don't really know a lot about Lent (my basic understanding is that it represents the 40 days that Jesus spent in the desert), but decided that it would probably be good to give something up to help me focus more on Jesus. What I decided to give up isn't huge by any stretch of the imagination (soda and candy/dessert), but what I have learned is that I do a lot of things out of habit. Ordering a soda when I go the movie or when eating pizza (the times I notice it the most) for example. We can become so used to the way things are that we forget to focus on the important. Will me giving up soda or candy for 40 days change much in the bigger scheme? No, but me focusing on what God has planned for me to do might.

Lunch is one of my favorite parts of the day. Why? Because it gives me a break during the day. A chance to spend time with my wife or a friend, the chance to wander around Barnes & Noble, the chance to read a book (preferably outside) or just a chance to get away from the routine. Most days are spent running through things at work and focused on getting my job done. Not bad stuff, but not really the important stuff either. Lunch gives me a break to focus on the important stuff even if for just a little bit.

So that is what I've been learning. Sometimes we need to take a break from our routines and see things from a new perspective, especially in our spiritual lives. What thing are you taking for granted or just going through the motions on? When was the last time you took a break and saw something from a different point of view?

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