Monday, August 2, 2010

Can you say random post?

Listen or talk? How do you know when to be quiet and listen versus when you need to say something? I tend to listen more than talk so it is sometimes a struggle to say what needs to be said. For others they might tend to talk more when maybe they need to remain quiet and just listen. For me, when I know I need to say something I will. I still approach it tentatively, wondering if I am doing the right thing, but still put it out there even though it isn't as eloquent as I had hoped or imagined in my mind. That's okay because once it is out there on the table, it can be discussed. Not sure what you do when you feel you need to be quiet when you usually talk.

Not at all related to the above thought, but I enjoyed a great weekend with my wife. My awesome aunt watches our boys for us a couple of weekends a year so that we can have some time for just the two of us. Much needed time away for us as a couple to recharge and spend time together. I also love that our boys get to spend time with our families whether it is at my aunt's, my parents or Lisa's parents. So thankful that they have that extended family so active in their lives. We managed to go to three movies over the weekend (Aside awesome note - you can watch a movie before 6 at the Cinemark in BA for $2.75. We were able to see all three movies for what it would have cost us to see one at the other theaters. Nice deal.) and I actually liked each of them. They were "Dinner for Smucks", "Charlie St. Cloud" and "Inception". "Inception" was our favorite even though it takes a good 30 minutes at the beginning to even understand kind of what is going on. I thought all of them were good though and a little different than anything else I've seen in a while. Good weekend spent with my wife.

Another totally unrelated topic. I love to talk to my friends about the stuff going on in their lives. To hear what is rocking their world, challenging them to grow, funny things they think and have happen in their lives, to find out how they are really doing, to ask the awkward questions that few others will, to hear what they are passionate about, to find our more about them. It doesn't happen in one conversation nor does it ever seem to reach the point where we run out of things to talk about. I look forward to those conversations and get to have several of those this week. A couple of friends that I don't get to see as often any more will be in town and I am planning on hanging out for a while with each of them. Probably means I will have less sleep this week, but a small price to pay to hang out with some awesome guys that I have the privilege to call as friends.

What are you looking forward to this week?

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