Thursday, August 5, 2010

Right or righteous?

"That is just the way I am. You just have to accept that"... BUT I don't want to. Don't know if you have heard someone say that before, but that is one of those phrases that absolutely drives me nuts (That and "How are you doing?" as they pass by with maybe 2 minutes to spare to listen to you if you answer with anything other than fine. Another rant for another day). What I have realized is that we can say that just as loudly with our actions (or inaction) and usually more often than we actually verbalize it. I kind of wish people came with an honest, up-front warning label attached - Please don't expect anything more than this from me. Don't listen to the words or promises that I say as I really am not going to change. I could, but that requires hard work and it is much easier for you just to accept me and not ask anything of me.

As much as that drives me insane, I have also realized it is often in my heart as well. This is the way I want it and I don't want to change. I wonder if that is what my life says at times. When people are watching me do they see someone set in their ways and demanding that the world bends to my ways? Is it easier for me to pray for God to change someone else, than look at my own heart and see if it is the one that requires change? Bottom line is my selfishness often collides with your selfishness. I want it a certain way and you want it a certain way. Who will give in?

We have a sense of entitlement. We think we are right and that is what is most important. I wonder if that is the case though? Maybe it isn't about me being right and more about me being righteous. I would bet God is more concerned with my heart chasing after righteousness and living selflessly, than me digging in to prove that I am right and insisting on my way. But that will require change. A change of perspective, a change of attitude, a change of what I value, and a change in my actions. Are you willing to make that sacrifice? Are you willing to give up the argument of who is right?

I have a choice. Do I walk away? Or do I change? See I am not in control of the other person. They have the same choice as well, but I can't change them. I can want to and try to influence or manipulate them, but it isn't really about them. It is about my heart. What am I going to pursue... being right or righteous? I can tell you which one is easier and what I think the right answer is (not the same thing), but as much as I want to, I can't make the choice for you. Which will you choose?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written, sir. I have 5 kids still at home and they can spot when I am listening to them. You challenge me well. I'll check back here again. Thanks for the thoughtful insights. I'm 54 years old and your picture puts you quite a bit younger - but I think you can teach me a bit. Walk with the King,
