Friday, August 6, 2010

Sleep deprivation

Some thoughts from the sleep deprived as I head into the weekend.
  • Why sleep deprived? It is that wonderful time of the year just before the college students head back for the fall semester. Lots of students are briefly in town which means some good time to hang out with them and catch up a little with what is going on in theirs lives. The down side? They are college students and are used to the crazy late nights. I love hanging out late into the night as well, but let's just say that my wake up time comes a lot earlier than when they roll out of bed during their summer break. Some awesome conversations the last couple days. Just wrecking the amount of sleep I get though.
  • I have a new appreciate for how those telephone books magically appear on your doorstep during the year. We have had the privilege of helping deliver about 1,000 of those the last couple weeks as part of a fundraiser. Let's just say mid-afternoon in July in Oklahoma is not the most pleasant time of the year to be outside delivery books. Also I wonder how much longer phone books will be around. Five years before they become obsolete? Can't say that I will miss them and I definitely won't miss delivering them.
  • I love buying birthday presents for friends. I take it as a challenge to find just the right gift for them. Don't know that they appreciate them as much as I enjoy giving them, but it is the thought that counts right? Trying to match the gift with their unique personality is a fun exercise. When I have the time to be creative, the process is even more fun.
  • Ready for the weekend to relax and kick back a little. Looking forward to having some friends over and just spending some time having fun together. Also hope to spend an evening hanging out with my wife. Been one of those good, but busy weeks. I am also looking forward to finding a new book to read. Any suggestions?

Have a great weekend!


Jeff said...

Just finished "When The Game Is Over It All Goes Back In The Box."
Most of the subject matter is stuff we have heard but presented in a very interesting and thought provoking way. Also reading "Wild Swans." This one is extremely interesting if you like the history of cultures and other peoples struggles that we(Westerners) don't really have to deal with. This one is the recent history of China from the lives of three Chinese women. Relevant to my line of work of course!
Do you have any suggestions for me?

Jamie said...

How could we suggest books to read that you haven't already read? Ha. In my immagination, I see publishing companys sending you material to screen before it officially gets released. Bro. we rely on you to tell us what's new that's about to be come out... Ha.

Kenneth said...

Jeff - I've read that John Ortberg book a while back. I agree that it wasn't something new and never heard before, but still it challenged me to rethink it. I'll think about some suggestions for you. Be on a fiction kick recently.

Jamie - I wish the publishers would send them to me. That would cut down on the costs of my addiction of reading. See if you can arrange that for me. Scary thought that my unique perspective on things may influence someone else.