Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The danger of the unsaid

What are you leaving unsaid? I have thoughts that I don't always voice, but they shape how I see things. I build on those thoughts over time and they continue to grow. I wonder if this is how bitterness is formed? We choose not to say the hard things. We leave them unspoken, but not forgotten. They slowly build a wall that others don't even know exists until it is a solid wall that is hard to scale. What if we had those tough discussion earlier? What if we sacrificed our comfort to deal with the unsaid?

Not all things need to be said. Sometimes we need to choose silence so that we can reflect on our thoughts. But if we start building up a wall because of them, then maybe it is time to attack that wall and voice them. Maybe it is a simple misunderstanding. Maybe it is a lack of communication. Maybe it is huge, hairy problem that needs to be dealt with. But until it is voiced, we can't start working on it together. It is left unsaid and unresolved.

Are you avoiding the tough conversation? Are you hiding behind the wall saying it isn't that big of deal... yet? I know it may be awkward. I know it might be very uncomfortable. Maybe it deals with stuff you would rather keep shoving in the closet. That is easier in the short term, but what will it cost you in the long term? What conversation do you need to start right now to deal with those unsaid thoughts and feelings? Can't tell you it will be easy. It may be one of the toughest things you do. To admit your insecurities, your doubts, your hurts, the things you have left unsaid for a long time, but doing the right thing is always right. Don't avoid what is wise for what is most convenient. So do you have anything you need to say?

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