Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday perspective

Lots of random things running through my mind today. Thoughts from the last week, thoughts from things I've read, thoughts about how interesting life can be, thoughts about how to possibly respond to the only request from last week on what topics to cover on here... cross-dressing (thanks for the challenge Dayton.) So in no particular order, the things jumbled up in my mind.
  • Last week in San Francisco was awesome. I love the mix of cultures, the fact you can hear five or six different languages in the span of walking two blocks (with most being of Europe and Asian origin), that the temperatures were 35 degrees cooler than here, that there was lots of down time in the evenings to spend with Lisa, that the hotel we stayed at was over 100 years old. It was a week that was unplugged and unhurried for the most part. Which was tough for me. It was as if everything had been put on pause. By the end of the week, I was way more than ready to jump back into life. A nice break from the normal, but I'm ready to be surrounded by community again. (There were probably even some cross dressers there as well. That's about all I've got for you Dayton. No personal experience to draw from on that topic. How about you?)
  • What makes us live lives smaller than what God intended? What do we tell ourselves or hear from others that makes us willing to accept the manageable instead of what could be? What is holding you back? We have big dreams and settle for less than those. The strange thing is that God has more than even those big dreams intended for us. We settle for less than what we can imagine let alone try to live what God sees us possible of doing.
  • Funny what we treat so nonchalantly. I was talking to a friend on the phone shortly after he had been in a car wreck. "Yeah, we flipped about 6 times according to some people who were behind us." Said as if that happens every day. No big deal. I meet with some college age guys who talk the same nonchalant way about their lives. Lives that have more twist and turns than I can imagine. Kids raising the parents, abuse as if it was no big thing, drugs a normal part of growing up, all just treated so nonchalantly. Kids that have seen more life in a short time than I probably ever will. Kids that have learned to cope with the absurd as if it was normal. Funny what we can get use to. Wonder if that is why we often treat Jesus so nonchalantly as well? It is just part of the process, right?
  • Saw Toy Story 3 and Karate Kid over the last week. Both good flicks that I would recommend. (Not some sort of, kind of recommendation that can later be denied as being a recommendation like some people... Lane... give. 5 out of 5 stars on both.) Also have managed to watch quite a bit of the World Cup action. USA was robbed of a goal on some phantom call that no one can explain. Shouldn't have been down by two goals in the first place, but still should have won instead of settling for a draw. (Which by the way, how bizarre to have a sport that accepts a tie. Can't think of any other sport where they just leave it at a tie.)
  • Decided that today was the day to start being more disciplined. No more excuses. Last night I felt overwhelmed with life - finances, lack of physical discipline, selfish beyond belief, just to name a few of my thoughts. So today it starts over. I started P90X again (out of town trips have made it sporadic at best) and eating better. Back to living within the budget. Not worrying about how I feel, but trying to be more concerned with serving others. And starting the morning off with some time reading the Bible and praying consistently. May not ever be perfect at any of the above things, but I know I can do better in all of those areas.

Let Monday begin now.


brian Jennings said...

If you are willing to ever bring P90X to the gym, I'm in. I've been hitting the work-outs pretty hard the past couple of weeks.

Why can't the World Cup have more than one ref running around. That's ridiculous. I must say that I'm tempted to also draw conclusions about the need for team leadership in soccer officiating, but I know I've already overstepped those bounds.

Chris Ediger said...

Missed you, brother. Hope you and Lisa had an amazing week together. Getting back into a better rhythm, as well. Need to chat sometime soon and catch up.