Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Good enough?

Am I good enough? Do you ever ask this question? Do you ever struggle with the need to be constantly improving? I don't want to be just average. I don't want to settle for just okay. Am I a good husband? Am I good dad? Am I good friend? Am I good employee? Am I a good leader? Am I good sponsor? What do I need to do to be better? It is a never ending process. I don't think it is wrong to want to be better, but...

Sometimes that means I miss the moment. I miss the chance to celebrate the good that is happening right now. If I am always looking to the future then I can forget to enjoy the present. It is kind of like being on vacation and being so busy planning your next trip you don't take the time to enjoy the one you are on. It isn't bad to be planning ahead but we can miss some of the fun and incredible moments happening right now. I can look so far down the road that I miss the chance to enjoy the good.

Also the same applies to God. I work hard at trying to be better. I try to earn His love. If I read my bible every morning, if I pray often enough, if I... but I can't be good enough on my own. I will fail. I won't measure up. I will sin. I am so busy trying to be good enough that I forget to enjoy the moment. I miss the chance to hear Him say he loves me just because. Just because He created me. Just because He wants to spend time with me. It isn't based on what I can do or how good I can become. It is simply because of who He is. Trying to be better and improve myself isn't wrong, but I don't want to miss the great because I am busy trying to be good enough.

Sometimes I need to hear someone answer the question "Am I good enough?" Hear someone say that it matters that I am part of their life. That it does make a difference. Sometimes I need that encouragement, but I don't ever want to get so busy trying to be good enough that I forget the simple fact that am I loved just as I am right now. How much I am loved isn't based on how well I perform. I am good enough because He is perfect.

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