Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Developing over time

Perseverance - an important character trait, but one we don't want to have to develop. We believe in instant gratification, but perseverance is developed over time. Perseverance is the sticking to it of life. It is the staying steady even when the feeling may not be there.

In my push to be more disciplined recently, I've decided perseverance is what will be needed more than anything else. To get up and work out in the morning will require perseverance. My muscle aches, I didn't get enough sleep, I haven't seen the instant results from working out that I want... a ton of reasons not to work out, but perseverance will see me through. The desired results won't happen over night, but it will require a steady, day after day consistency.

Perseverance is that "no matter what" attitude. It can't be shaken. That is pretty radical these days. We sometimes see it sports and we admire it. But more often than not we see the results of it and want those now. We don't want to put in the year after year of training that the athlete went through to reach that place. We want the easy. Which is way different than perseverance. We see it in athletics, but the other areas of life is where perseverance makes a bigger difference. It is sticking with what we know is right even when don't see the instant reward of doing that. It is the integrity to keep making the right choices even though they may not be the easiest ones. It is sticking beside a friend even when the times are tough. It is not being willing to give up on someone or something even though it is hard. Perseverance isn't developed in the easy parts of life, it is grown in the dry patches. Those times when we feel like giving up. When we don't understand the why, but know what the right answer is.

Perseverance won't be easy. It won't be a quick. And for me, it will require assistance from others. People to come along side me and remind that it is worth it even when I don't see it. For those to encourage me to keep moving forward when all I want to do is quit. For those to challenge me to remember what is at stake and to fight for that. Perseverance is developed in our lives, but it should be a team sport in getting there. Are you having trouble staying in the game? Find someone to help you. It may require you to open up and be transparent in the uncomfortable areas of life, but don't forget that it is worth it. Running at a good pace right now in your life, then who can you come along side and encourage, challenge and carry during their rough times? Wherever you are at in live, just don't quit. Keep moving forward even if it is a little bit at a time. Persevere.

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