Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Encouragement 101

What encourages you? I love hearing people answer that question. You can see it in their body language as the become excited to explain to you how someone encouraged them. They can't wait to tell you how someone had the right words to say at just the right time or was a shoulder to cry on when they need one or gave them a hug when they felt all alone and isolated. Encouragement has that kind of affect on people. It may not change any of the circumstances, but it can definitely change the perspective. It usually doesn't cost much either... a little time and a willingness to do it.

So back to the original question, how have you been encouraged recently? Let me hear your stories. These are some of my favorite types of stories to hear.

Also, it is worth asking, who in your life needs encouragement from you right now? Be creative, make it simple, listen for the opportunity, whatever you need to do... just make it happen today. Have a blast being encouraging to others today!

1 comment:

kellimoss said...

thanks for encouraging my husband this week :)