Friday, May 21, 2010

Can you slow down?

Is it possible to slow down? Is each day really about getting from point A to point B? Is our love of speed, rushing from one thing to the next, an addiction or an obsession or maybe an idol? How many of us have said "Maybe when I have some time" or "I need more hours in the day"? Do we look forward to things or are we so busy that we can only focus on the immediate? Do we know how to enjoy the moment and savor it or do we just fly through it? Are we scared of the silence of slowing down? Are we bored if we don't have something in front of us 24/7? Do we determine our worth by our busyness? If we are busy, we don't have to be vulnerable or have real community because we only have time to briefly connect with others. Is our obsession with speed part of the reason we are lonely? Does the clock and calendar rule your life?

No answers. Lots of questions. What do you think? Do you need to slow down? If so, how are you going to start your season of slowness? Or are you going to wait until you have more time?

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