Thursday, May 20, 2010

Driving along the road

Do you ever think about the guardrails along the side of the road? Me neither. I am used to them being there and never really think about them. They are common place and just part of the scenery. UNTIL you need them. Then they serve a purpose. Just because we haven't needed them before doesn't mean they aren't useful or necessary.

I've also been thinking about integrity and how we maintain it. Again not something we generally think about. I wonder what guardrails should be put in place now that I might need in the future to protect my integrity. If I never need them to keep me from going off the road, great, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't consider it now.

We seem to react to events instead of preparing for them to possibly happen. We know a lot of the dangerous curves that exist in our lives. The areas where we could compromise our integrity with just a slight turn of the wheel. Seems like it just makes sense to put a guardrail up there before we need it. Once we've driven off the road, it is a little late to think about putting up a guardrail.

So where do you need some guardrails in your life? More importantly, what are you going to do about it?

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