Monday, May 17, 2010

Development, confrontation and other random things

Seems like a new post about every two weeks has become the norm for me recently. That is a far cry from the almost daily thoughts about 3 months ago. Writing tends to go in cycles for me which may explain why I may never actually finish writing the book I had been working on. By the time I finish it, it will be time to turn around and update the stories and throw out the ideas that I have changed my mind about. A vicious cycle, but that's okay, as I write mainly to organize my thoughts. Otherwise they just bounce around in my head and take up valuable space. So just remember, if you are reading this blog, that it is a continual work in process. So on to a few of my latest random thoughts...
  • If you get the chance, check out The G Sides at Not sure how I started following his blog, but I think it may have been from my brother-in-law's blog ( as they might have been college friends or roommates. (Could have just totally fabricated that story, but I think that was the way I originally stumbled onto his blog.) Anyway, he has been writing recently about "Beyond the Starting 5" which lays out some of his thoughts about what developing people looks like in the church. The title comes from the idea that in basketball the starting 5 will only get you so far. How far you will go depends more on what you have beyond those starters. Think about the programs like Duke, North Carolina, Kansas they seem to consistently develop good players. How does that work in the church? Are we developing people or just running them through programs? What happens if your front-line volunteers in your church get tired, or are called to serve somewhere else, or get sick, or move for their job? Do you have anyone beyond those starters? Are we making disciples because we love them? (Love his thought of this as the collision of the Great Commission and the the Great Commandment). Are we really developing people? Are we investing in the messiness of other's lives? What is God doing in that person that I can join in and be a part of? What character is being developed in my life or hurts have I experienced that might be helpful in developing someone else? The messiness of life is where it happens, but it won't be convenient.
  • How well do you receive help? I love to help others when I can. The chance to help someone out financially or to share things I have learned. I love that role. Being on the other side... I don't like that much. It means that I have to admit that I can't do it on my own. I don't have it together. I am learning how to receive more graciously. Learning how to lean on others is harder for me than learning to give. I am thankful for the friend who pointed that out to me this last week. The friend who basically told me not to let pride stand in the way of being able to receive help. Also from another friend who pointed out that I have to let community help to be able to experience community. I am so thankful for those people who are willing to invest in me and teach me, even when it means I have to admit I am not anywhere close to having it all together.
  • How well do you handle confrontation? Being a leader often involves being willing to enter into conflict. I don't think I will ever enjoy conflict, but I am learning that certain things may require us to confront others. It is part of the job of being a leader and really part of being a Christian. I don't like when I am confronted about sin in my life, but it is what I need. So are you willing to do what is needed? Confrontation isn't always harsh. Matter of fact it can be done gently, but it still needs to be done.

So until the next inspiration strikes. Maybe even in the same week.

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