Monday, March 29, 2010


It's been one of those days where I can't seem to follow one thought all the way through. I catch a thread of an idea and then my mind wanders (or sometimes collides) into a totally different one. So a couple brief thoughts... well, really more questions than thoughts... for today.

Do you seek out input from others? It seems a lot of times that we disguise wanting to affirm our ideas as seeking input, but when we receive something that challenges our thoughts we reject it. That is not the kind of input we were wanting. People also seem cautious of giving real input when it is asked for. They seem to try to figure out what answer you are looking for and then give that as their input. Wonder if these two things are related? Just so you know, if I ask for input it is because I want it. I don't always like the things that challenge me, but I would much rather have that as an answer than what you think I might be looking for. People who challenge my thoughts help me grow. Not that I always like the process, but it gives me a new perspective to see from.

Hearing is not the same as doing. Matter of fact even saying something is not the same as doing it. Ever walked away from a conversation were someone understood what you were saying, but absolutely nothing changed? Or maybe even they promise to do such and such, but then there is no follow through. The default response I often get is "that is just the way I am". Also meaning accept it because I am not changing. We buy into the lie that we can't change who we are. Or is that we easily accept that because that means we don't have to do the hard work involved in changing? It might be tough, but if we understand a change is needed and it is a priority to us, shouldn't we be willing to actually attempt to change instead of just giving it lip service?

We have an amazing ability to adapt. I was thinking the other night about some different things and people that have crossed through my life and how I have adapted to those changes quite easily. Oh, it didn't feel easy at the time, but looking back it really didn't take that long to adapt. I was at a job for several years that added tremendous stress to my life. I adapted to that lifestyle. Then when I switched jobs a couple of years ago, I quickly adapted to a better work environment and to having a lot less stress. I had a friend I was really close to when they moved. We spent lots of time with them for several years and didn't know how things would look when they moved. We adapted. We changed and they changed. I have had some changes recently in my routine and the friendships I have. They have been difficult to adjust to, but if I can step back far enough from the situations I think I might be able to see that I will be able to adapt to those changes as well. Sometimes a look back at where we've been and what we've experienced gives a much needed perspective on the here and now.

A little disjointed in my thoughts, but randomness is a good thing right?

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