Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pushing through the normal

Working out this morning was an effort. Not so much physically, but mentally. It has reached the point that I feel like it is the same routine every time I go. Hit the cardio, then work the stomach, some weights and then repeat the last two. It has become the normal at the gym.

I was in a meeting the other day where it seemed like there were no new ideas. Oh, there were some variation of ideas that we've done before, but nothing really new. No really throwing out the box and doing something completely different. It was productive, but not really that much different than the meetings before.

Conversations with people that seem to cover the same ground. No new insights, no arguments (not that I am looking for those), a comfortable pace... almost like the replay button has been hit on those conversations.

This week at home has been about managing schedules, who needs to be where and when, doing the typical chores that need to be done, and figuring out what needs to be paid this week. A normal week. No crisis, nothing exciting, just the normal.

So how do you push through the normal? The routine, the predictable, the normal... I don't like those very much. I know most people long for those, but I want something different, something that moves me beyond the normal. I want to physically go farther than I have before, I want meetings that energize me and stretch me creatively, I want relationships that are always moving forward and molding me, I want more than a schedule at home... I want more than normal. How do you move beyond normal and have a sense of wonder and awe of what the day will hold?

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