Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Comparison - the great demotivator

I've been trying to get back into a more normal workout routine (thanks Shanna for that inspiration). I believe that discipline often leads to desire. I can't say that I look forward to getting up at 4:30 to go to the gym, but I do like how I feel after working out instead of just talking about it or thinking it would be a good idea.

As I was working out this morning, I noticed how ripped most of the people there looked. I also noticed that when I get to a machine and start adjusting the height, etc. that I almost always have to lower the weights from the person that was on it before me. The person running beside me on the cardio equipment seems to still be going strong at the 45 minutes mark without breaking much of a sweat while I am hoping to finish strong at 30 minutes. The comparison to those who are faster, stronger, better built, and more disciplined can wreck the desire to workout. I want to look like that now, not 6 months from now. Comparison and instant gratification can be the enemy of discipline.

The truth of the matter is that comparison and instant gratification can be demotivating in our Christian life as well. I am way more messed up than that person. That is the sin they are concerned about? They would be devastated by the things I struggle with. They read their Bible for an hour while I struggle to get in a solid 10 minutes. They manage to pray for everyone and spend hours doing it. I am doing good some days to spend a few minutes with God. They seem to have their life all together, while mine feels like it is barely holding together some days. Comparison to others can wreck our desire to be like Jesus. Jesus didn't seem to be concerned that we look like the person next to us, he just wanted us to love him and love others. I can do that. It doesn't come with the expectations that I have it all together right now, just that I am trying. Kind of like my workouts, it doesn't matter that I won't be competing in the next Olympics. It matters that I am moving forward and trying to be disciplined. What comparisons are robbing you of moving forward? Honestly, they are your hang-ups and not God's. He loves you as much when you are the 98 pound weakling as when you can bench press 500 pounds.

1 comment:

brianj33 said...

True. Why am I so inclined to compare? I think I have to war against it.
Also, I think you should start leaving your machine at the lowest weight possible. It will make someone else feel good.