Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Really? It is not about you

Really? I have my IPod turned up and my noise reducing ear buds in. There is probably 20 people around on the cardio equipment. Lots of white noise and I can still hear you talking. I really don't need to hear about your daughter's high school drama (by the way, she would probably be horrified to know that you are unintentionally sharing it with 20 complete strangers). Not everyone cares about your thoughts and opinions. It is not about you.

Really? You have somewhere that important to be. You fly by me to make it through the yellow light, only to be sitting beside me at the next one. You dodge and weave as if you are making great progress in getting there. Wait, you are stopping at Starbucks? That was the rush. Not a dire emergency? Your coffee wouldn't be there if you arrived 30 seconds later (I understand that some people need coffee to get going in the morning, but does it have to be at the risk of my life?) It is not about you.

Really? We haven't talked in months and after the customary "How are you?", you start talking about yourself. I... blah, blah, blah... and then my... blah, blah, blah... me... blah, blah blah... me, me, me. Yeah, I am interested in the things goings on in your life, but it isn't all about you.

Really? Again with what you want? You do realize that things don't revolve around you, right? There are other people who exist. They have problems... probably bigger than most of yours. There are people who have real needs, not just more wants. You do realize it is not about you... wonder how many times God thinks this about me? I can be amazingly selfish. Wrapped up in my own little world without a thought about others. Seems like if I can get that simple command (simple to understand, a heck of a lot harder to live) to love Him and love others then maybe I won't be so obsessed with myself. Really it is not about me.

1 comment:

Chris Ediger said...

Okay, so I know it's not all about you, but just wanted to say how much I admire you as a writer, apprciate you as a friend, enjoy you as a like-minded deep thinker, and love you as a brother.