Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Basset hounds and friends

Never really thought of myself as having much in common with a basset hound, but after reading Amy's blog posts about their basset hound "Belle", I think I may have a lot in common with Belle anyway. Seriously, check out Amy's blog (... think about such things) which is linked to the right here. She is one of the most creative writers that I know whether she is talking about her relationship with her husband, the insights their kids provide or Belle's latest lessons, she paints an incredible picture of God for me.

Apparently not only do I have a lot of similarities with basset hounds, but I also had a conversation last night with a friend that as he explained where he was at in life right now I had this feeling like I was having a conversation with myself (I wasn't because there was another friend there as well). This is a rare occurrence for me (I can have those conversation with my friend Jeff, but those don't happen quite as frequently right now as it is a little more difficult to get together and hang out with him half way around the world.) See most of my friends' personalities or the way they process things aren't anywhere close to me. I love them and those differences expand my perspective and challenge me, but rarely does it make explaining something easy and I often doubt that they can really even understand me. I don't know that I was able to help my friend much last night, but for me it was so encouraging to just have that conversation. To hear someone verbalize the things that I struggle with and to realize that I am not the only one was so good for me. I think we all want to know that we are in this thing called life together. We may not verbalize it very often, but to know that we have other people to support us, listen to us, encourage us and challenge us is so important.

Who plays that role in your life? Do they know how important they are to you? Why not tell them today? They probably don't seek that out, but man, it could make their day.

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