Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Variety to start your day

Definitely in A.D.D. mode already this morning. Couldn't quite seem to land on one thought to write about so that must mean it is a random bullet point day. Gives you some variety for today.
  • What happens when my selfishness collides with your selfishness? I've been thinking about humility a lot recently. To me it is one of those traits in a person that I am drawn to. It is one of those things that can't be faked very easily and even if it is fake I don't think a person can sustain it for long. The hard thing about humility is that you can't recognize it in yourself. The moment you start feeling you are humble probably means you just lost it, but it is something that stands out in others lives. I have a friend who when we first met I was just drawn to. As I got to know him, I decided it was the humility in his life that I found so attractive. He just seemed to live a life looking to serve others and not needing to be promoted. Then I no longer saw that as a defining characteristic of him. My selfishness collided with his selfishness. I stopped striving for humility and stopped seeing it. I want to be defined as living in humility. I have decided it will be a constant battle because it won't be something I can see progress in. I just have to live looking to serve others and fight with my own selfish tendencies.
  • Incredible sunrise this morning. One of my favorite things has to be seeing when the sun just breaks over the horizon and the sky is painted in an amazing array of pink and purple. I always want to stop and take a picture (if only I kept a camera with me). Amazed by the creativity of God that captures my imagination.
  • Are you a left-brained person or a right-brain person? Are you the creative type or more analytical? I think we all have a certain mode we function best in. For me it depends on the day, but that isn't the normal. The thought I have been wrestling with is that we are told to love God with all of our mind. You may see the world through a Mac lens or a Windows lens, but God wants you to use both. We often use the excuse that we aren't wired to be structured and organized and plan things (that would be you creative types) or that we just can't see why it matters what emotions the look and feel create (that would be the analytical group). Where I am landing is that God wants all of our mind. It takes effort to see things from another perspective. It requires us to be intentional in using both sides of our brain. God created us so he knows how we are wired, but that isn't an excuse to do what is most comfortable. He wants it all.
  • I am currently reading "Primal" by Mark Batterson. It was the start of my thoughts on the bullet point above. I am also struggling with the rest of that command, which is to love God with all of my heart, soul and strength. I might unpack a few more of those thoughts as I read through the book and as it filters through as I am reading Acts again.
  • My heart hurts for Sean and Sheyenne as they deal with their loss. I have been amazed by their hearts as Shey has shared her thoughts along the journey. I don't know how to comfort someone I don't know extremely well and who is half way across the country, but their story is impacting me in ways that is hard to explain. One of those situations I don't know how to explain the "whys" of but stand amazed at the strength I see in their hurt. They are some incredible people and so glad that they have opened their struggles for me to catch another glimpse of God even when it is painful.

Off to see "Shutter Island" tonight, so if I can't sleep tonight because I am spooked, I might be writing another post in the middle of the night. Hope you have an incredible day and take the chance to be amazed during your day.

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