Sunday, February 21, 2010

Random thoughts as I jump back in

I've been a little slack in writing on here. Just haven't had much to say publicly, but have had lots of thoughts. I'm in one of those spots in life where things feel in transition. For as much as I like change, I can't stand change in my friendships. So it has been hard for me to decide to step back from some of those relationships. Nothing bad, no arguments, just a sense that what was is no longer what will be.

Some days I long for the freedom I had in relationships as a teenager. The ability to hang out all night and talk about the important and the not so important and then turn around and do it again the next day. Not saying that I want to be a teenager again (I don't), because I like where I am at in life. I have an incredible wife and an amazing family. I just don't like the structure that life as an adult requires sometimes. I want the freedom to invest in people without having to schedule it out two weeks in advance. Teenagers haven't perfected how to hide behind the walls of the image of having it all together like most adults try to portray. It takes effort to peel back the layers we hide behind but we don't make the time to do that. It gets lost in rush of busyness. We have meetings to go to, jobs, family commitments, and the list is endless.

That is part of where I am at and part of what prompted my decision for Lent. For Lent I decided to give up T.V. I don't watch a lot of programs, but that is time that I can spend investing in others and in my relationship with God. What would you do with an extra 5 or 10 hours a week? I often hear people say there just aren't enough hours in the day... well I think I have just found some extra time in my week. Lent is relatively new thing for me. Curious about you. Do you give up something or decided to do something for Lent? (Know one couple who decided to have sex every night during Lent. I think a couple coming closer together can bring them closer to God as well and that is the point of Lent.) So to quote a friend of mine, that is me right now. I've been reading quite a bit lately so those thoughts might be making it on here soon. We'll see if I can't get back into being a little more consistent on here. I know my three readers will appreciate it.

1 comment:

lane said...

I decided to give up talking on the phone while I'm driving. May not seem like a big deal, but it is significantly harder than it sounds. Somehow I've convinced myself that every time I'm in the car it is the perfect time to make the calls I need to make and every call I may be receiving is of paramount importance. Dumb. It really has very little to do with the "safety" aspect of talking and driving. It has everything to do with using every time I'm driving as a chance to be quiet and to talk to God.

I look forward to hanging out this week, bro.