Monday, February 22, 2010

Speaking when no one else will

Awkward silence. No one wants to answer the question, but everyone wants to hear the other answers. We wait until it is safe. We wait until others have opened the tough discussions before we decide to ease into the fringes of the discussion. The elephant in the room that everyone wants to pretend isn't there. We are curious, but not willing to be open about our own thoughts. So the awkward silence exists.

Are you willing to speak even when no one else does? Are you the one who needs to start the difficult conversation? You won't get credit for it. You will feel you are on the ledge by yourself. Wondering if the others will join in or leave you out there by yourself. Are you willing to be real even though it may be uncomfortable?

What question is out there that you need to answer? What elephant needs to be dealt with? Are you willing to be the one to start the conversation when no one else will? The awkward silence is waiting for someone to speak when no else will.

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