Monday, August 3, 2009

Reoccuring phenomenon

It's funny to me that about the time I am ready to give up on somebody or have decided I am done investing in a friendship is when that person will call and start making an effort to initiate the friendship. I can't remember how many times I have had a similar conversation with my wife about the fact that I am done with trying to be friends with someone only to have that person call, e-mail, text, whatever within the next day or so to see how I am doing or to get together and hang out. Matter of fact I was there again not too long ago. I don't understand this phenomenon at all. It is as if they realize when I have reached that point where I am ready to quit and then they decide it is worth pursuing. That slight glimmer of hope is all it usually takes for me to be willing to reach out again, even if it is slightly tentative at first as I don't want to get burned again. That hope of what it could be is enough to motivate me to risk it again. I know the best that is offered in that friendship and even though I often feel it isn't worth it because of the hard work that can be involved, I am still drawn to the "what could be". The hope of something I have seen, even if it isn't fully what it could be.

Sometimes that is what keeps going in my faith as well - the hope of what will be. Sometimes all I see is the chaos of every day life and lose sight of what is in store. The day when things are fully restored to the good that God originally intended. I lose focus and tend to forget about the important things. I am distracted by the other things going on and forget about the relationship I can have with Him. When I am focused on pursuing Jesus, then that hope is real to me. It is right in front of me. Kind of like those good friendship that you know you can count on. They don't seem to require much effort because you enjoying being around those friends so much. That is when the hope is easy for me to see. Where do you see hope? Anybody else experience this strange phenomenon with the people in your life?

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