Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Shh... don't tell

What are your secrets? What are those things that you keep hidden from others? We keep the things that happened to us, the things we did, the addictions we have, the thoughts that we have when we are alone, the feelings that we don't measure up, the fear of rejection, the wrongs we do... we keep them safely to ourselves. What would people think if they find out? So we protect them. We aren't proud of them, but we visit them often. Really they keep us close by. We are never too far from them. Oh, we might go along as if they don't exist, but they are still there quietly behind the curtains where we don't let others know about them. We think we are managing them, but I wonder if they really don't have the control.

We are told to confess our sins. The secrets hold us back. We worry that others will look at us differently or reject us, so we don't confess. We worry that we may lose control of something, so we don't confess. We don't want to admit to the deceitfulness or selfishness that can exist in our hearts, so we don't confess. We want to stop the addiction, but still we don't want others to know, so we don't confess. Confession is about freedom. It isn't about airing your dirty secrets so others can point out your shortcomings or sin. It is about releasing you from the control of the secret. The secrets we keep that hold us back. They keep us from being who God sees us as. Look at that closely. God doesn't hold those things against us. He sees us as we were meant to be, but we choose to keep coming back to those things and put them in charge. Which are you pursuing with abandon - Jesus or keeping your secrets quiet? We throw ourselves into things to keep us busy so that we don't have to think about those secrets.

How brave are you? Are you willing to confess? It may be painful to name those secrets. It may be awkward. It may have consequences. But until we confess, we really don't know what it means to be free. Why would you choose to stay locked up when you can have freedom? It isn't about what you have done, thought, are addicted to, lied about... it is about being free to pursue Jesus with your entire heart. Do you need to confess? Who do you need to talk? What are you waiting for? Don't listen to those familiar whispers telling you to wait until it is convenient or that no one really needs to know or that it isn't really that big of a deal or that you can handle it on your own. Just find someone and confess what it is you are holding on so tightly to.

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