Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Well behaved is overrated

"Well behaved people have rarely made history." Saw this on a bumper sticker the other day on my way to work. I like this. Not only does it appeal to the part of me that wants to keep people guessing, but I think it rings true. The radical is what makes the difference. Fitting the norm, rarely impacts the bigger picture. So the question is are you radical or well behaved? We are told to be well behaved, but really if we lived a radical life don't you think it would be noticed?

Seems strangely like what Jesus did. He lived a life that turned everything upside down. He was a king, but his purpose was to serve, not be served. He had compassion and loved those that the well behaved said were to be ignored. Instead of being in the church building and hanging with the religious, he was out with the prostitutes, the down-and-out, and the ones society said had no worth. So again, are you making history? If you are a Christian, shouldn't you be a radical instead of the watered down version that we are told is well behaved? Just wondering. Seems I might need to go rock the boat a little and upset the well behaved. The well behaved will be forgotten in the next year (maybe the next hour), but the radical could impact history. What do you think?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

This topic makes me weep. I am so passionate about the radical God that I can get teary eyed from simply reading through these few paragraphs.

How far is too far? It's a legitimate question because there always is a too far. (it's always a heart issue when you've crossed the line). But how far is too far to go to communicate the love of a God who hangs with prostitutes and sinners?

What places are too far to go? Physically? Socially? What things are too much to say??? What's too outrageous? What conversations are too awkward to have??? What book is too much to write?? To read??? What sermons/speeches are to much to hear??? To give??? What discomfort is to much to have???

Thank you for this topic today.