Thursday, March 31, 2011

The encouragement experiment

What would happen if I chose to see some positive in any situation I was in? What if I could find something encouraging to say to those around me instead of critiquing them? What impact would this have on the situation? Would this change in perspective change the situation...change me... change the other people? These were some of my thoughts about a month ago as I continued trying to understand the season of life I am currently in. I have felt adrift in my role in ministry, how the friendships in my life have changed, new responsibilities at work, and how everything fits together for this season in our lives. So began the encouragement experiment. Here are few things that I have learned so far. People are starved for encouragement. I don't know if it is our insecurities, the fact that we so rarely get encouragement or that we are wired to need it that we long for it so much. Probably a little of all of those. Simple words of encouragement impact other people's attitude significantly. When we hear that it matters what we do, we are more likely to recapture that joy in doing it or at least understand that it has a purpose. Simple concept, but one we often choose to ignore. I am guilty of assuming that someone knows that I appreciate what they are doing. How do they know unless I tell them? The change in perspective doesn't change the situation, but it does change my attitude about it. I have struggled with the change in some of my friendships. The fact that I used to be extremely close to some friends and now there is more distance in those friendships. Determining to be encouraging in their lives hasn't magically made everything perfect, but it has allowed me to see the strengths in those friends. I still long for consistent community, but my change of perspective allows me to appreciate the glimpses of it that they provide. Same for other areas in my life also. Things may not have changed much at all in the situation, but I am more content in the situation. This isn't some power of positive thinking experiment or flattering other people. This is an experiment to find joy in living where I am at. Even though I don't always understand the circumstances or situations I am, I always have reasons for being joyful. For me that joy is best shared by encouraging others. It is taking the time to see those good things in others and telling them about it. It doesn't necessarily change the situation, but I know it is changing me and hope that it might make a difference in someone else as well. When was the last time you were encouraged by someone else? When will you make the effort to encourage someone this week? It may not come naturally for you. So what. We only become better at things we are willing to practice at. Start practicing now even though it may be awkward or uncomfortable. Find the joy in where you are at in life.

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