Monday, March 7, 2011

Excuse me...your selfishness is showing

Ever notice how kids pretty much think the world revolves around them? They want something and they don't really try to hide the fact. When a three year old is throwing a temper tantrum, it is pretty obvious that they aren't getting want they want. The sad part is I don't think we really out grow that. We may get better at disguising it because who really wants to see a 35 year old screaming and kicking on the ground because they didn't get their way. But don't people still do this, only in more subtle ways.

The thing with selfishness is that it is pretty easy to identify when we see it. We notice when somebody is looking out for number one and is willing to throw anyone else under the bus who gets in their way. We see the climber who is trying to make sure that he gets the most toys and not let anyone take any of his away. We know when a person has an agenda that is about themselves even when they try to hide it under some noble cause. Because selfishness is easy to spot.

Ever walk out after using the restroom and leave your fly down? You may not notice it for awhile, but I can guarantee you that those around you have. You happily go about what you are doing exposed to the world. Maybe someone will finally tell you that you pants are unzipped (a good friend would), but most likely they will let you discover it on your own. Unfortunately that is how we treat our selfishness as well. We walk around with our selfishness hanging out and no one bothers to correct us. I mean let's face it, telling someone they are being selfish isn't exactly a fun conversation to have. We will just let them figure it out on their own rather than risk having an uncomfortable conversation.

If you see my selfishness showing (or that I forgot to zip my pants for that matter), please tell me. It may be a little awkward, but I would rather know than be walking around exposed to the world. My pants being unzipped may be a little embarrassing, but it is an accident. Being selfish is a choice that is wrong and needs to be corrected. Can we stop being so polite and just start helping each other? So before you head out into the world today remember to check your fly and also make a choice to be selfless instead of selfish. Not always easy to live out, but the reality is that the world doesn't revolve around you anymore today than it did when you were three.

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