Thursday, January 21, 2010

When subtle doesn't work

Sometimes we need a high-five to the forehead... well, at least I do. The subtle doesn't always get our attention. How can we miss the obvious? The obvious is suppose to be easily seen by its definition. So how do we still manage to miss it?

In any sport that I've played, I've always heard the coaches talk about the basics. The key things to focus on. What happens when we forget the basics? The basics are what everything else is built on. Sounds easy right? But when things go wrong, we need to be reminded to go back and concentrate on the basics.

I think our pursuit of Jesus is like these a lot of the time. We ignore the obvious and choose to try to do things our own way. Forget the basics, we have a better plan. Yesterday was one continual day of "Hello, anybody home? Think McFly. Think!" type moments (nice 80's reference) for me. The most painfully obvious - if I want to be close to God, I need to be spending time consistently talking to him (praying) and listening (reading the Bible). Duh!

I wonder how many people noticed the red mark on my forehead at the end of the day from all of the high-fives I got yesterday? Anybody else have trouble seeing the obvious?

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