Monday, January 18, 2010

Searching for inspiration

Where do you find inspiration? I think we all look for something to inspire us. It doesn't have to be the thing that inspires us for the rest of our life, but maybe just for the day. Maybe it just catches our attention and causes us to pause. Maybe it is a new way to see something you hadn't noticed before. Maybe it is an idea that makes you want to take action. Maybe it is an injustice that makes you want to find a solution. Maybe it an incredible photograph that inspires your heart. Maybe it is a movie that captures your imagination. Maybe it song that keeps running through your head the rest of the day. Maybe it is a book that impacts your world more than you ever thought possible. What is it that inspires you?

For me, all of those things inspire me at times, but probably the most consistent source of inspiration for me is the relationships in my life. They push me to want something more. Sometimes it is to be a better person. To learn to love and care for others more than about myself. Sometimes I see what it looks like to be a person madly in pursuit of Jesus. Sometimes I hear the words in conversations that inspire me to dream bigger and not settle for just okay. Sometimes it is a hug from someone that helps me to understand that we need to love with open hearts. The relationships in my life teach me so much. Sometimes from unexpected sources and sometimes from the consistency of relationships that have lasted a long time. So again, what inspires you? Maybe the better question is how are we going to inspire someone else today?

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