- Forgotten God - Francis Chan
- Scouting the Divine - Margaret Feinberg
- A Million Miles in a Thousand Years - Donald Miller
- Jesus Loves You This I Know - Craig Gross
- The Gutter - Craig Gross
Mixed in with these are a couple of fiction books that I am trying to read also. I am sure that my thoughts from these books will find there way into my thoughts I share here in the near future. I am not sure how much reading I will get done though until I finish the B90X challenge (reading the bible in 90 days). I have been thrown off that schedule some as my trip to Catalyst slowed down how much I was reading. The combination of information overload and lots of driving time took its toll on my reading.
Speaking of that. The following verse just stood out to me the other day when I was reading. "my people - broken, shattered, and yet they put on band-aids, saying, 'It's not so bad. You'll be just fine.' But things are not 'just fine'!" (Jeremiah 8:10) Broken and hurting people putting on a good face. Sounds a lot like what still exists today. We treat the symptoms but rarely are willing to do the hard work of dealing with the real hurts. We want to give out band-aids instead of investing the time, energy and emotions that may be required to really do life with others. We each have been broken in our own ways, but simply saying it is fine doesn't really help out in the long-term. We have to be willing to go deeper and not shy away from shattered places in our lives. Restoration only comes when we realize we are broken and shattered. Are you applying a band-aid when surgery may be needed? Are you offering a quick fix when someone may need you to give even more than that? My ideal of community looks more like a hospital or doctors office that works to heal rather than the local drugstore where we self-diagnosis and then apply a band-aid and proclaim that we are fine.
The Gutter is amazing. I was just thinking about it again last night. I need to re-read it. can't wait to hear your thoughts! Its one of those 'life-changers'...
Brother where do you get all your book connections? Im amazed at your ability to stay up on what's new. I have had to go to listening to books via I touch because the only real time I have (and most waisted time) is in the car.
That said I'm doing fiction right now, stuff I've always wanted to read but never had time. I just finished Crime and punishment, Lord of the flies, and I'm currently reading the moviegoer. I'm really excited because they're all classic, but also written from guys who had faith in Jesus.
That's me.
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