Monday, October 12, 2009

Changing the equation

"In a time of crisis, we don't need daring and bold, we need humility." - Malcolm Gladwell

How many times do we look to the person who has it all figured out? The confident person who speaks with authority. How many times are we sure we are right and the other person has no clue? The answer is obvious. Any fool can see it. We value those who are bold and confident. But does that over-confidence blind us to other possibilities? Does that same confidence make us even more vulnerable to mistakes?

Humility changes the equation. To me, humility is the one strength I look for in a leader. The attitude that says I don't have this all figured out. I am capable of being wrong. Maybe someone else has the answer that we need. If anyone could have spoken with over-confidence it was Jesus, but still he was marked by his humility. We can be bold and confident, but if we leave humility out of the mix, we may be heading for a disaster and not even recognize it.

Do you display humility? If not, why not? Think about those leaders around you. Do the ones you see as leading well display humility? In a time of crisis, who do you want leading you?

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