Friday, October 2, 2009

A break in the action

Random thoughts as the weekend approaches:
  • Had to talk to several people in customer service today. Glad that I don't have that job as nobody calls to compliment them, but rather because something is wrong. Have to say that 3 or the 4 I talked to were pleasant, even if they couldn't help me resolve the problems. The other one... I will refrain from sharing my thoughts about her. Let's just say she won't be making my Christmas list.
  • Ever feel like you are at your breaking point? How do you deal with it? Within the last 2 hours I've gone from worrying about everything going on to the other extreme of "who cares". Pretty sure that neither of those is the right answer in the end. Hopefully the pendulum will settle somewhere in the best area before the day is over.
  • Just gave into the peer pressure and will be playing in our company golf tournament. Someone had to drop out and I decided a day out in the 75 degree temperatures versus being in the office outweighs the fact that I suck at golf. I have always fought the stereotype of the typical accountant who plays golf. The visual image of the balding, overweight, non-athletic CPA playing golf. I argued for many years that golf wasn't even really a sport because it didn't require any running or athletic effort like soccer. I have softened that view (may have something to do with soccer being a little more difficult to play these days since I am over 40), but still haven't learned to enjoy the game. Probably some correlation to the fact that what seems like it should be easy (hitting a little golf ball) is in reality a lot more difficult... thus why golf can be so frustrating.
  • I am going to go dark on here for the next week. I will be out of town for part of the week, but also think it might be healthy for me to unplug from here for a little while. A chance to focus on some things and let some thoughts settle. I am sure I will have lots of things to share after I get back from Catalyst. It usually spurs lots of ideas and challenges for me.

Hope you have an incredible weekend! Take advantage of these amazing fall days. See you back here in a week.

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