Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Are you willing to dream?

"There are no impossible dreams, just our limited perception of what is possible"

Don't know where this quote originated, but it is money.  How often do we limit what can be accomplished because we don't have big enough dreams?  We have this need to be able to touch and see it before we can imagine it.  We shoot down ideas simply because we have a limited view of what can be done.

What if we expanded our perception just a little?  What great things could happen if we really understood that nothing is impossible for God?  Better than understanding it, what if we lived that way?  What dreams have you given up on simply because they weren't realistic?  They seemed too big to happen?  You couldn't imagine how it could possibly happen so you gave up.  And a little bit of you dies.  We accept okay because we can no longer imagine the great.  We settle for what we can see with our limited perception of reality.

Dream big.  Don't lose your innocence of believing the impossible might just be able to happen.  Don't give in to the cynics and the critics.  They are a dime a dozen, but the dreamers are who will change the world. They see what could be and don't settle for what is only right in front of them.  Impossible says God is limited to our small imaginations.  Isn't believing in something beyond our imagination the same as faith?  We can't quite grasp it but we know in our hearts it is true.  It requires a leap into the unknown.

What has your limited perception kept you from doing?  Let's not be so quick to accept mediocrity and be willing to dream a little.

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