Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Tis the season

Tis the season for joy. That is what I am searching for this season. Not the Christmas season necessarily, but this season in life. To have joy in the middle of the messiness of life. This year has been one where I seem to take one step forward and then three back. During the craziness of life, I somehow lost the joy in my life. I let selfishness and my own self-absorption rob me of the joy found in the incredible things around me - the ability to be awed by God, the joy of relationships, the joy of serving, and the joy found in chasing after a life like Jesus.

What I am learning is that when it is all about me it doesn't leave much room for anyone else, including God. So how do I recapture this joy in life? Not really sure. For me it starts with the decision to find joy in the middle of all the crap in life and to have the awkward conversations. You know, the conversations that open myself up to others. Those conversations that require me to ask for forgiveness, to be challenged, to let others love and encourage me, to be transparent. Not exactly a fun process, but joy is more than just happiness. Don't get me wrong, I think happiness is part of it, but it is also way more than that. I want that joy, that even when things are tough, still lets me be content in who God is and how he made me. So the search begins. Ought to be easy to find since it is the season of joy, right?

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