Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The journey continues

Several of my blogs recently has talked about finding joy in whatever circumstances I find myself in. This is a journey and not a one time decision. Seems that is how most things work. I was talking about forgiveness today at lunch and the conversation led to how we often talk like forgiveness is a one time act. My perception is that one decision to forgive may mean forgiving that other person daily. It doesn't happen all at once and I am not sure when you reach that point of totally forgiving someone else. To me finding joy is the same way. I made a decision to have joy in whatever situation, but each day I make the decision to actually do that. One is the mental decision and then I try to live out that decision each day. All of that to say that I'm still finding my way on that journey through the day to day decisions.

Last night several things combined that challenged my decision to find joy. I was faced with the decision to give into the old way of thinking or to search for joy where I was at. I would like to say it was an easy decision and that I got it right, but reality is that I fought finding joy. I wanted to be critical, to point the finger at someone else, to withdraw from a relationship, to justify the way I was feeling and I did... for awhile. But the cool thing about this journey is that you can pick back up even when you get sidetracked. It took me a night to realize that I needed to set aside those thoughts that pull at me and to still pursue the right things. It meant having conversations that I didn't particular want to have. It meant serving even when I didn't feel like it. It may not always be fun, but doing the right things will bring joy.

Pursuing Jesus is like that. It will be challenging. It will require effort. It will cost you. Cost you things like sacrificing your pride, your selfishness, your "rights", but man is it worth it. I don't always get that right (probably get it wrong more often than right), but it is a decision that I want to make each day. That is a journey worth pursuing. What are you going to choose to pursue today? What journey are you willing to start down today? No matter what you decide, you are heading on a journey. You get to pick the direction you are heading each day. Enjoy the journey and I hope you find joy along the way.

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