Friday, September 10, 2010

What do you do in the middle?

I believe there is a rhythm to life. Seasons of rest and seasons of activity. But right now I feel like I am skiing in an avalanche... with one ski... and a huge drop looming in front of me. Overwhelmed doesn't even begin to describe it. My question for the day is how do you find rest in the middle of the craziness? Do you just suck it up and deal with it? Doesn't seem very restful or like much of a plan. Do you pretend it doesn't exist? Again that doesn't seem to accomplish much. What advice do you have for someone in the middle of it all?


DoubleDose said...

When times are so overwhelming, it is hard to see the good that is around. Like with your analogy, you still have one ski. It would definitely be better with two but it could be worse.
Just continue the journey, the avalanche will have to end. Plus at the end, you will realize you have serious skills on one ski!

Neil said...

Kenneth: I wish I knew, as I reflect on your words and how to answer the question, anything I think of sounds like "physician, heal thyself!" I wish I knew. I can say this with almost 100% confidence, when I became chairman I shed all other responsibilities at HPCC, almost 100% because I didn't find anybody to coordinate FPU so I have to deal a little with that while the classes ramp up. If's there's anything in you can give up, I'd at least try temporarily dropping it and seeing if your ski slows down perceptibly. God bless!