Thursday, December 10, 2009

Events and the costs of love

I read the following quote on Seth Godin's blog - "It's a process, not an event." He mentions that dating is a process. So is losing weight. Events are a one time occurrence, like having surgery or a wedding ceremony. Events we can manage. We get excited about them and prepare for them because it is one moment in time. Processes are building for the long term. It is a daily exercise that is moving us towards something in the future. I wonder how often we treat our faith like an event instead of a process? It isn't a one time decision, it is process. Kind of like losing weight it is day by day decisions. I think we are often guilty of making being a Christian sound easy. We say It is a decision we make, but really it a process of pursuing being more like Jesus every day. Not an event. Not easy. A tough process that will produce results, but it may be a long time in getting there.

Here is what I've been wrestling with since last night. I John 3:17-18 says "If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him? Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." So the question I've been trying to answer is this. How have I loved in such a way that has cost me anything? Is our love merely nice words to someone, but we don't do anything about it? Those actions will most likely cost me money, time or giving something of myself. What is your love costing you? If we answer that nothing, then are we really showing love?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I love the tension between process and event theology. Life is a process but there are events all along the way.

I see this same tension in the bible between people like Paul (process) and John (event). Sometimes the tension is within their own texts. Sometimes Paul sounds processy in one place and eventy in the other (as does John).

I think the events are oppurtunities to let the processing of life out into the real world.

In your 1 John text, the question is, where am I on love? Suppose there is a need (event). What do I do? If I am not processing towards love in the moment by moment, day to day, I will not love (actual) given the oppurtunity. And the point that John (and James in his book is) that actual love is the only thing that matters.

Where am I on love? What am I sacrificing? What I'm doing is waiting for a peace that passes understanding, but in the mean time I sacrifice peace of mind in some particular situations. I also sacrifice pride in exchange for humility in some of my issues. And though pride is a poison it remains a very very difficult thing to sacrifice. I sacrifice comfort in some ways to be able to give. I sacrifice time to meet certain callings that seem apparent in my life.

Those are some ways. (once again talking through it). Goining through the list reminds me however that I have missed a lot of oppurtunities to sacrifice as well. By Gods grace still processing many areas.