Monday, December 14, 2009

The event that is changing my world

18 years ago today an event took place that changed my life - our wedding. After 18 years, I am still learning the process of marriage. It continues to require my attention and as much attention to the details today as when it started way back then. I still like to date my wife. I like talking to her late at night about the important things and stuff I find amusing. Those things haven't changed, but our dates may look different today and the topics we cover have changed (Well some of them. I tend to cycle on some of my conversations and probably what I find amusing is still pretty similar to back then. Though I may voice it more now.) We have continued to change and grow through those years and our marriage continues to grow as well. I chose to love my wife way back then and I choose to continue to love her today. (I would say "fell in love", but that makes it sound like an accident. I choose to love her.)

Looking back at our wedding is a little strange. Our flower girls and ring bearer will graduate from college this next year. I am still good friends with one of my groomsmen, while Lisa continues to have a great friendship with her maid of honor. I watched as two of my groomsmen went through divorces and then slowly lost contact with them. Many of the people who were there have filtered out of our lives, others continue to be a large part of it. We have developed new friendships, had three incredible boys, lived through multiple job changes, had a variety of ups and downs that life has thrown at us during the 18 years since our wedding. The thing is, I am still madly in love with the woman I said "I do" to all of those years ago. Marriage is an adventure that takes place over the years. The wedding ceremony that occurred 18 years ago was just the start to that adventure. Can't wait to see where the adventure takes us next. I am just glad that I get to experience it with my wife.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I just read this post today - two weeks after you wrote it. I love you so much and even though I'm not adventurous, I am ready for our adventures together.