Monday, December 14, 2009

Critic vs. appreciative

What is your mindset? Are you the critic? The person who sees flaws in any plan, can point out several things that need to be fixed, notices the issues in others. Or is your mindset one of appreciation? Do you see the potential in the plan, notice the things that work well, see the positives of those around you? Last night we had the chance to share with part of our church staff and their families how we appreciate them. The chance to verbally confirm them and share with them the incredible impact we see them making. It is one of the best working teams that I've seen. A mutual respect for each other's strengths and what they can bring to the table. Easy to come up with a list of things we appreciate in them.

We knew ahead of time (they didn't) that would be part of the evening. It allowed us the chance to reflect and think about the many day to day things they do that we appreciate. Made me wonder if other meetings couldn't be like that. What if the next meeting I attended, I took time before hand to think about the things I appreciate in the people going to be there and what we are trying to accomplish? What if going in, I was already thankful for the various personalities, strengths and insights that would be there? Wonder if my mindset going into the meeting was that of appreciation instead of critic, if that would change how the meeting went? Instead of finding the flaws, what if we focused on the positives. A simple change in my mindset could make a difference. What is the difficult thing you are dealing with? Could a change of mindset make a positive impact there? To me it seems like it might be worth the work ahead of time to change from critical to thankful.

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