- I was behind a normal looking white pickup truck that had the following on its tailgate - Construction vehicle do not follow. So to what extreme do I take that rule? I was behind him on the street so technically I was following him. What are the consequences now that I was following him? Really, have they had a bunch of people following them that they needed to warn people about it? And is that an effective way to warn people - don't do _______ (fill in the blank). Don't think that argument has ever once convinced me to not do something. (Not real good at following rules anyway. Even if I know the purpose.) Wonder what other random instructions we can put on the back of our vehicles - Give me cash? Wonder if that will prompt people to obey it and hand me loads of money. May be worth looking into.
- When you are having a discussion with someone, try this the next time. Simply state - "you're wrong" when they have finished explaining it to you. Odds are they will simply restate, or maybe just repeat, what they just said before. We think if we repeat something, or say it louder, or with more emphasis that it will suddenly convince them to see that we are right. Wonder if instead we simply asked "why?" to their statement of "you're wrong", if we may actually learn something and move forward?
- I enjoy having conversation with people who see things clearly as black or white. You know those people who say a movie is incredible or horrible. Nothing in between. Often the same ones who clearly state their opinion as a fact. It is simple to them - just agree with them and you are brilliant, otherwise, you just don't get it. I more often than not see things as gray, so to the black and white people, I have lots of questions. Questions that may drive them nuts. Not trying to be a pain (well, sometimes I am), but just don't understand how things can always be so clean cut for them. The are few things that I can clearly state as black and white. I don't think I am wishy-washy either (Am I?), just not ready to say that I couldn't possibly be wrong about something.
- I laugh to myself when someone thinks they have me figured out. Funny because I don't understand me half of the time, so if you have me pegged in a certain box, more likely than not, I will do something outside of that at some point.
Hope everyone has a great Christmas! Enjoy the slower pace and time with your family and friends. Find the time to have some good conversations and catch you again after Christmas (maybe even before, but no guarantees).