Monday, May 9, 2011

Code word "opportunity"

Here is an "opportunity" for you... those words strike fear in me. A lot of times that is polite business talk for "I have some crappy work for you that is going to take lots of time and energy." Opportunity = hard, thankless work.

What do you do when you are presented with difficult times or a situation that is less than ideal? Those really are opportunities. Opportunities to respond in love or grace. Opportunities to not complain and not be selfish. Opportunities to press into Jesus even though, or maybe because of, the situation feels out of control.

Now that doesn't mean it won't be hard work. It may be trying. It may seem like you are alone in you efforts. Difficulties, or opportunities if you like, are still difficult. It doesn't mean you just try harder. It doesn't mean you put on a "happy face" and pretend things are just great. I have a friend who is always doing GREAT! when you ask him how he is doing. I don't trust that because that isn't my reality. I have struggles. I have times when I question if I have clue in being a parent (so do my children), I have times where life feels overwhelming, I have financial pressures, I have times where I feel distant from God, I have times where I feel all alone... I also have times where things are great, times when life is fun, times when I feel like I am truly pursuing Jesus with my whole life. Life is a mixture of difficulties and joy.

The difficult times are often where character is developed. It is an opportunity. An opportunity to continue to make wise choices even though it is difficult. An opportunity to trust God even when it doesn't make sense to us. An opportunity to respond in love even when the world says to get even. The push and pull of life can be tough, but it is also where we can be shaped. It is easier to have joy when things are going your way, but when I see people respond with joy in the "opportunities" of life, that is when I take notice. When I see someone choose to forgive, even though their current "opportunities" in life may be justified in responding harshly. Those difficulties really may be opportunities to impact someone. It may not feel much like an opportunity, but it may be having a greater impact than you realize.

So what are you going to do with your "opportunities" today? Run and hide? Fake it and pretend it is great? Trust there is a purpose and approach it with joy? You get to choose how you respond to life's opportunities.

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