Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Truth you NEED to hear but may not WANT to hear

What do you think? Read the following on Grant English's blog (www.grantenglish.com) yesterday related to MLK Jr:

Speaking spiritual truth to audiences that
NEED to hear it but don't WANT to
hear it is at the heart of good pastoral
leadership. Love your enemies
is a nice, pithy saying until there is a
face to it. Putting faces and edges on this
truth so that it can
easily be understood and applied is vital for spiritual
Smaller communities will keep us accountable. But the pastor
that paints
an unforgettable image of what obeying spiritual truth looks like gives that
community a place to
stand. King did this not just for a church, but
for a nation. "I have a dream..."
gave an entire nation a clear
picture of what the spiritual truth of unity COULD
look like. What
almost goes forgotten 50 years later is that King spoke to both
white and
black audiences who did NOT want to hear this

So are you willing to speak the truth that NEEDS to be heard or are you going to tell them what they WANT to hear? How about on the receiving end of it? Will you hear the TRUTH and be moved or will you reject anything that isn't what you WANT to hear? Truth is truth no matter where we hear it or who says it. We can't choose to not listen simply because it isn't what we want to hear or from someone we don't want to hear it from. What spiritual truths are you choosing to ignore because you don't WANT to hear it? Who is keeping you accountable to the TRUTH? Are you listening and watching as it is painted for you so that you will know where to stand? The TRUTH is still relevant 50, 100, or 2000 years later. Seek it out today.

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