Monday, January 17, 2011

Now that is a calling

I've been reading in Hosea recently. If you don't know the story, here is my summary of it. God tells Hosea to go find the sluttiest (Is that a word?) whore in the country and marry her. He also tells Hosea that she will betray him after they are married and, oh by the way, keep taking her back. They are to name their children exciting names like No-Mercy and Nobody to make a point. See God wanted Israel to understand what His relationship was like with them. They keep betraying Him and taking up with the latest "it" thing.

Now imagine that God tells you this upfront. This is your calling. This is what God wants you to do with your life. Who is ready to sign up? The strange thing is that Hosea does it. He marries Gomer (again you have to love God's sense of humor) and continues to love and serve her even when she betrays him.

I have a lot of friends that are in ministry as a profession and others that are neck deep in serving in the Church. The term "calling" is often thrown about as they try to determine what God wants for their life. But after reading Hosea, it confirms again to me that it isn't about our lives, but what it reveals about God. Our callings aren't always meant to move us to something bigger and better. We may be called to serve in the same ministry without being noticed for 20 years. We may be called to step down from the position we are in and serve in a way that means less pay for us so that it glorifies Him. What would you say to friend that told you he was called to marry a prostitute? Yeah, I would probably try to talk him out of it also or have him locked up for his own good. But who are we to tell God how He is suppose to do it? Check your calling and see it is bringing glory and praise to God or if it is about you? Not all callings are to be the king like David. Some may have you serving the lowest of the low without much appreciation in this lifetime.

Take the time to read some of the stories in the Bible from a new perspective. Imagine you are the one God asks to do some of the wild stuff that Moses or Joshua or David did. Now ask yourself what crazy stuff he is asking you to do right now because he has an incredible story planned for you as well. You might get to be a king, but you might also be asked to do something not quite as glamorous.

1 comment:

kellimoss said...

I love that story. It's prob one of my top 5 go-to OT stories. I also love Francine River's take on it in "Redeeming Love".