Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Three thoughts that have been bouncing around in my head for the last couple of days.
  • From Andy Stanley's book "The Grace of God" - "Jonah's sin was that his religion was really about him. While he eventually surrendered to the will of God, he never surrendered to the purposes of God in the world... He was grateful for God's multiple expressions of grace toward him but refused to celebrate God's grace toward the city. The moral of the story is pretty straightforward: receiving grace is often easier than dispensing it." How often does that play out in my life? One set of rules for me, but a different set for everyone else. I deserve grace (contradiction of terms because grace can't be earned), but what about the person who just offended me? What about the ex-boss? What about the person who took advantage of you? What about...
  • Caught part of "Good Will Hunting" the other day. It is one of my favorite movies. I think I may know why now. (Besides liking Matt Damon movies and Robin Williams in this role.) I want to be like Robin Williams character and help someone grasp they have so much more potential than they realize. I want to make a difference. To be an influence. To wade through all of the bs and to challenge them to be more than mediocre.
  • Today was about staying within today. Not being concerned (nice way of saying worried) about yesterday or what tomorrow will bring. Not worrying about what someone else will do as I can't control their actions. Not worrying about my past mistakes as I can't change what happened, but can do my best today.

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