Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Out of sync or time for a change?

Out of sync or just a new rhythm? I am not really sure. How do you know the difference? Some things that were consistent now seem sporadic at best. For me, writing is one of those things right now. Part of the flow of my writing is based on the thoughts I have from what I am reading and the conversations that I am having. Those deep, challenging conversations that cover the important have been few and far between recently. I haven't really found a book that has captured my thoughts and expanded my perspective in a new way recently. A new rhythm or just a season?

I like change for the most part (I know. I am strange.), but have a hard time knowing when that change means letting go of something. So I struggle. Do I stop writing? Do I let some friendships drift off? Do I keep serving in the same ways? I like the new that change brings about, but struggle with the loyalty to the old. Have I given up something that I shouldn't or is it time to move on? I want the concrete answers, but at the same time am afraid of what those may mean. So I am left wondering, are things just currently out of sync or is a new rhythm developing?

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