Grace... it's one of those words I don't understand. I mean I know the definition and I can understand it theoretically, but I just can't get my mind totally around it.
When I receive it, I want to try and earn it. Which can't be done. It is free and undeserved. It is a gift and simply can't be earned. I wonder if that is why it is so hard to receive? It doesn't depend on me in any way, but is totally undeserved.
Giving it to others is also hard. I want to put conditions on it. Make it available only if you jump through certain hoops. To expect nothing and to give it away requires a selfless attitude. It is a gift that may not be appreciated or even wanted. It may be treated as worthless or not even noticed. It is hard to give away a gift without it being acknowledge, but if I do it to be acknowledge, then it really isn't free.
Grace is priceless, but we treat it so cheaply. We want it given to us, but are hardly willing to give it to others. I want to move from knowing about it and learn to cherish the gift it is. How have you experienced grace? How are you living graciously in others lives?
Grace... I am so thankful for it even though I don't understand it.
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