Monday, June 28, 2010

Leadership skills they forgot to teach

Took a self-assessment test on-line about leadership today. It was based on the book "Derailed: 5 lessons of Catastrophic Failures of Leadership" by Tim Irwin. The interesting thing to me was what he determined as the four key areas that can derail a leader. They are as follows:
  • Authenticity - alignment between the inner person and the outer person - between beliefs, values and behavior
  • Humility - "Self-forgetfulness" - channeling one's ambition towards excellence in performance, rather than self-aggrandizement
  • Courage - choosing to do the right thing under difficult circumstances
  • Self-management - skill, insight, sensitivity, impulse control, optimism, and persistence applied in the particular environment in which we work and live

Funny that those aren't what are usually taught as the important things in becoming a leader in school. Haven't seen many classes to teach humility or authenticity. Seems that the opposite of these are what is usually stressed as what is need to be successful. I think courage is the one that jumps out to me the most. Choosing to do the right thing even when it is difficult. It is easier to follow the crowd or to compromise in the little things, but isn't that where the derailment usually begins? We don't realize that a compromise in the gray areas or the little things will lead us to possibly a huge failure down the road. We arrogantly think that when it comes to the "tough" issues we will be able to choose the right thing, but if we can't have courage in the small choices why would the bigger ones be any different? I like this list as litmus test to determine what we should look for in our leaders. If you were going to make a list of 3 qualities that are essential to being a leader, what would it include? I guess more importantly, does your life reflect those qualities?

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